Clip DescriptionHOT TO BE HEADLESS
Scene opens as an interview. A woman has just arrived and is sitting on a chair, slowly and seductively crossing and uncrossing her legs. She is wearing high heels and an extremely short skirt. Her legs are bare. She is wearing a simple blouse with no collar. The man in the scene sits across from her and explains the following situation:
He advises her that she needs to know that by her presence there is no turning back, now that she has seen and met him. The special service she sought from him is exclusive….that is why it is only advertised on the dark net and only after certain background checks and preventative measures have been met. She needs to understand that he will take precautions to ensure that she goes along with the agreement
She nods and acknowledges….
He responds that it is his understanding that she has a body identity disorder and she has come to him for his “unique” services. Unique in that she longs to lose her head, something she couldn't possibly do herself. How hard would it be to cut one's own head off? He is happy to help her with this and has the right tools to do this quickly and painlessly….for a price….but not to worry, they would take care of that later.
She tells him that he is correct….that she has always believed that she should not have a head… and has been fascinated for some time over the idea of losing her head ….it scares her but excites her…and now she has become obsessed with it and wants to play out this fantasy.
She wants to know what he thinks….what does he think of her? How will she look without her head? Won’t her legs be accentuated by her heedlessness?
He compliments her figure and legs and tells her that she will look great without her head…maybe better even…this satisfies her and she agrees…she hopes this is the outcome.
He asks her put her hair up and turn in her collar (if she has one)…this is to avoid interfering with the blade. He has her stand up, and turn around and binds her arms and hands behind her back…she begins to protest a little, but he reminds her he wants to ensure that she doesn’t change her mind. She is compliant resolved to her beheading and even excitedly looking forward to it.
He leads her to the guillotine. It is set up for a kneeling beheading…the basket is not yet attached. He lets examine it…he points out that he has to install the basket to catch her pretty head. She asks for him to not use the basket…she wants the sensation of her head rolling.
She is nervous….she wonders if it will hurt….will her head remain conscious? She thinks she’ll look pretty hot without her head….
He has her sit on the guillotine plank…she crosses her legs…trying to seduce him.
She suggests that once she is headless, she doesn’t mind if he uses her…she notes he has been admiring her legs, and suggests how exciting it will be for him to get between them once she is helplessly headless.
She hopes he’ll use both her body and her head to satisfy himself. He admits this turns him on, but he’ll have to wait until she is headless. She opines that she’ll be equally enjoyable without her head.
He asks her if she is ready and she agrees. She pauses for a moment kneeling before the blade, Then submissively allows him to position her in the guillotine. The lunette closes on her neck. She is resolved and content. She tells him how she can’t wait for him to take her head…
He then unveils to her that he intends to sell her body and her head as sex toys once she is headless…she didn’t really think he was going to take all the risk without a bigger reward?
Unexpectedly, she is very turned on by this idea. She muses over how she will look headless, how this seems like such a good use for a hot headless body, and hopes that whomever he sells it too will enjoy both her head and her body.
The scene drops back and we see her in the guillotine from the side. He kneels beside her and asks if she is ready…she begs him to behead her. At this point, she wants him to hurry up and get the beheading over with…she simply says “behead me, please.”
The blade drops....and the head falls into the basket. We see the body twitch and the legs kick a couple of times. He removes the basket while the headless body remains on the guillotine, occasionally twitching…then still
The movie ends in NBM style, with her headless body posed on a chair, hands still bound, with her legs crossing and uncrossing seductively.
Clip Duration: 14 minutes |
Format | Size | mp4 | 93.66 MB |
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